A. |
Symbols and Abbreviations |
The following symbols and abbreviations will be used throughout the next few sections:
| SRCR | | SRC Register |
| () | | the content of |
| → | | is transferred to |
| ACC | | Accumulator (4 bit) |
| CY | | Carry Flip-Flop |
| ACBR | | Accumulator Buffer Register (4 bit) |
| RRRR | | Index register address |
| RRR | | Index register pair address |
| PL | | Low order program counter Field (4 bit) |
| PM | | Middle order program counter Field (4 bit) |
| PH | | High order program counter Field (4 bit) |
| ai | | Order i content of the accumulator |
| CMi | | Order i content of the command register |
| M | | RAM main character location |
| Msi | | RAM status character i |
| DB (T)si | | Data bus content at time T |
| Stacksi | | The 3 (for 4004) of 7 (for 4040) registers in the address register other than the program counter |
| CRsi | | Command register |
| IEsi | | Interrupt enable |
| RB0si | | Register bank 0 RRRR0 - RRRR7, enable |
| RB1si | | Register bank 1 RRRR0* - RRRR7*, enable |
| | | | Logical OR |
| & | | Logical AND |
Throughout the text "page" means a block of 256 instructions whose address differs only on the least significant 8 bits; e.g., page 7 means all locations having addresses between 0111 0000 0000 and 0111 1111 1111.
| |
B. |
Format for Describing Each Instruction |
Each instruction will be described as follows:
(1) Mnemonic symbol and meaning
(2) OPR and OPA code
(3) Symbolic representation of the instruction
(4) Description of the instruction (if necessary)
(5) Example and/or exceptions (if necessary)
| |
C. |
One Word Machine Instructions |
Mnemonic: | | NOP (No Operation) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0000 |
Symbolic: | | Not applicable |
Description: | | No operation performed. |
Mnemonic: | | LDM (Load Data to Accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1101 DDDD |
Symbolic: | | DDDD → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bits of data, DDDD stored in the OPA field of instruction word are loaded into the accumulator. The previous contents of the accumulator are lost. The carry/link bit is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | LD (Load index register to Accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1010 RRRR |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bit content of the designated index register (RRRR) is loaded into the accumulator. The previous contents of the accumulator are lost. The 4 bit content of the index register and the carry/link bit are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | XCH (Exchange index register and accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1011 RRRR |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → ACBR, (RRRR) → ACC, (ACBR) → RRRR |
Description: | | The 4 bit content of the designated index register is loaded into the accumulator. The prior content of the accumulator is loaded into the designated register. The carry/link bit is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | ADD (Add index register to accumulator with carry) |
OPR OPA: | | 1000 RRRR |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR) + (ACC) + (CY) → ACC, CY |
Description: | | The 4 bit content of the designated index register is added to the content of the accumulator with carry. The result is stored in the accumulator. The carry/link is set to 1 if a sum greater than 1510 was generated to indicate a carry out; otherwise, the carry/link is set to 0. The 4 bit content of the index register is unaffected. |
Example: | |
| | a3a2a1a0 | | ← (ACC) | | Augend |
| + | c0 | | ← (CY) | | |
| + | r3r2r1r0 | | ← (RRRR) | | Addend |
| | | | | |
Carry → | c4 | s3s2s1s0 | | ← ACC | | SUM |
Mnemonic: | | SUB (Subtract index register from accumulator with borrow) |
OPR OPA: | | 1001 RRRR |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) + (RRRR) + (CY) → ACC, CY |
Description: | | The 4 bit content of the designated index register is complemented (ones complement) and added to content of the accumulator with borrow and the result is stored in the accumulator. If a borrow is generated, the carry bit is set to 0; otherwise, it is set to 1. The 4 bit content of the index register is unaffected. |
Example: | |
| | a3a2a1a0 | | ← (ACC) | | Minuend |
| + | | c0 | | ← (CY) | | |
| + | r3r2r1r0 | | ← (RRRR) | | Subtrahend |
| | | | | |
Borrow → | c4 | s3s2s1s0 | | ← ACC | | Result |
Mnemonic: | | INC (Increment index register) |
OPR OPA: | | 0110 RRRR |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR) + 1 → RRRR |
Description: | | The 4 bit content of the designated index register is incremented by 1. The index register is set to zero in case of overflow. The carry/link is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | BBL (Branch back and load data to the accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1100 DDDD |
Symbolic: | | (Stack) → PLPMPH; DDDD → ACC |
Description: | | The program counter (address stack) is pushed down one level. Program control transfers to the next instruction following the last jump to subroutine (JMS) instruction. The 4 bits of data DDDD stored in the OPA portion of the instruction are loaded to the accumulator. BBL is used to return from subroutine main program. |
Mnemonic: | | JIN (Jump indirect) |
OPR OPA: | | 0011 RRR1 |
Symbolic: | | (RRR0) → PM; (RRR1) → PL; PH unchanged |
Description: | | The 8 bit content of the designated index register pair is loaded into the low order 8 positions of the program counter. Program control is transferred to the instruction at that address on the same page (same ROM) where the JIN instruction is located. The 8 bit content of the index register is unaffected. |
Exceptions: | | When JIN is located at the address (PH) 1111 1111 program control is transferred to the next page in sequence and not to the same page where the JIN instruction is located. That is, the next address is (PH + 1)(RRR0)(RRR1) and not (PH)(RRR0)(RRR1). |
Mnemonic: | | SRC (Jump indirect) |
OPR OPA: | | 0010 RRR1 |
Symbolic: | | (RRR0) → DB (X2); (RRR1) → DB (X3) |
Description: | | The 8 bit content of the designated index register pair is sent to the RAM address register at X2 and X3. A subsequent read, write or I/O operation of the RAM will utilize this address. Specifically, the first 2 bits of the address designate a RAM chip; the second 2 bits designate 1 out of 4 registers within the chip; the last 4 bits designate 1 out of 16 4 bit main memory characters within the register. This command is also used to designate a ROM I/O port or an I/O device for a subsequent I/O operation. The address in I/O device, ROM or RAM is not cleared until the next SRC instruction is executed. The 8 bit content of the index register is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | FIN (Fetch indirect from ROM) |
OPR OPA: | | 0011 RRR0 |
Symbolic: | | (PH)(0000)(0001) → ROM address; (OPR) → RRR0; (OPA) → RRR1 |
Description: | | The 8 bit content of the 0 index register pair (0000) (0001) is sent out as an address in the same page where the FIN instruction is located. The 8 bit word at that location is loaded into the designated index register pair. The program counter is unaffecte; after FIN has been executed the next instruction in sequence will be addressed. The content of the 0 index register pair is unaltered unless index register 0 was designated. |
Exceptions: | |
a. | Although FIN is a 1-word instruction, its execution requires two instruction cycles. |
b. | When FIN is located at address (PH) 1111 1111 data will be fetched from the next page (ROM) in sequence and not from the same page (ROM) where the FIN instruction is located. That is, next address is (PH + 1)(0000)(0001) and not (PH)(0000)(0001). |
Mnemonic: | | HLT (Executes Halt until interrupt received) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0001 |
Symbolic: | | 1 → HALT; 1 → STOP |
Description: | | The processor sets the HALT and STOP flip-flops. Program counter incrementer and data input buffers are inhibited. The processor executes NOP continuously; continuation can occur by means of STOP or INTERRUPT control. In this mode, the Program counter + 1 is gated out at A1, A2 and A3 times on the data bus. M1, M2 times will contain the addressed ROM instruction on the data bus. X1 will contain the 4 bit accumulator contents. X2 and X3 will contain the 8 bit SRC register. |
Mnemonic: | | BBS (Return from subroutine and restore SRC) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0010 |
Symbolic: | | (Stack → PL, PM, PH); SRCR0 → DB(X2); SRCR1 → DB(X3) |
Description: | | This instruction is a combination of BRANCH BACK and SRC. The effective address counter is decremented and program control is returned to the location saved by the forced JMS which occurred at the beginning of the interrupt routine. In addition, the content of the SRC register is sent out at X2 and X3 of the instruction cycle, thus restoring the I/O port selection. This instruction will also turn off the INTA line reenabling the CPU for Interrupt. The previously selected Index register bank will also be restored during this instruction. |
Mnemonic: | | LCR (Data RAM and ROM bank status loaded into accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0011 |
Symbolic: | | (CR) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bit contents of the COMMAND REGISTER are transferred to the accumulator. This allows saving the command register values before processing the interrupt. |
Mnemonic: | | OR4 (OR accumulator with IR4) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0100 |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR4) | (ACC) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bit contents of index register #4 are logically "OR-ed" with the accumulator. The result is placed in the accumulator and the carry flip-flop is unaffected. |
Example: | |
(ACC) | 0101 | | (ACC) | 0000 |
(RRRR4) | 1001 | | (RRRR4) | 1000 |
ACC | 1101 | | ACC | 1000 |
Mnemonic: | | OR5 (OR accumulator with IR5) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0101 |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR5) | (ACC) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bit contents of index register #5 are logically "OR-ed" with the accumulator. The result is placed in the accumulator and the carry flip-flop is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | AN6 (AND accumulator with IR6) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0110 |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR6) & (ACC) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bit contents of index register #6 are logically "AND-ed" with the accumulator. The result is placed in the accumulator and the carry flip-flop is unaffected. |
Example: | |
(ACC) | 0111 | | (ACC) | 1111 |
(RRRR6) | 0100 | | (RRRR6) | 0001 |
ACC | 0100 | | ACC | 0001 |
Mnemonic: | | AN7 (AND accumulator with IR7) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 0111 |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR7) & (ACC) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bit contents of index register #7 are logically "AND-ed" with the accumulator. The result is placed in the accumulator and the carry flip-flop is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | DB0 (Select ROM bank 0) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1000 |
Symbolic: | | Enable → CM-ROM0 |
Description: | | Designate ROM bank 0. The most significant bit of the command register, CR3, is reset. On the third instruction cycle following its execution, it causes CM-ROM0 to be activated. This bank is selected with reset. |
Mnemonic: | | DB1 (Select ROM bank 1) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1001 |
Symbolic: | | Enable → CM-ROM1 |
Description: | | Designate ROM bank 1. The most significant bit of the command register, CR3, is set. On the third instruction cycle following its execution, it causes CM-ROM1 to be activated. |
Mnemonic: | | SB0 (Select IR bank 0) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1010 |
Symbolic: | | 1 → RB0 |
Description: | | Select index register bank 0. The index register bank select flip-flop is reset. Index registers 0 - 7, 8 - 15 will be available for program use. This bank is to be selected with reset. |
Mnemonic: | | SB1 (Select IR bank 1) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1011 |
Symbolic: | | 1 → RB1 |
Description: | | Select index register bank 1. The index register bank select flip-flop is set. Index registers 0* - 7*, 8 - 15 will be available for program use. |
Mnemonic: | | WPM (Write program memory) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0011 |
Symbolic: | | (1111) (SRC) → ROM/RAM address bus (4289); (ACC) → I/O0-I/O3 (4289) |
Description: | | Write program memory. When an instruction is to be stored in RAM program memory, it is written in two four-bit segments. The F/L signal from the 4289 keeps track of which half is being written. When the CPU executes a WPM instruction, the chip select lines of the 4289 are jammed with "1111". In the system design this should be designated as the RAM channel. The OUT and PM line on the 4289 are aslo activated by the WPM instruction. The previously selected SRC address on line A0 through A7 of the 4289 becomes the address of the RAM word being written. By appropriately decoding the chip select lines, the W line, and F/L line is initially at logic 0 (VSS) when power comes on and after reset. It then pulses to logic 1 (VDD) when every second WPM is executed. A high on the F/L line means that the first four bits are being written, and a low means that the last four bits are being written. The 4289 transfers the segment of the instruction to the I/O bus at X2 of the WPM instruction. The SRC address sent to RAM is only 8-bits. When more than one page of RAM (256 bytes) is being written, an output port must be used to supply additional address lines for higher order addresses. |
Mnemonic: | | RPM (Read program memory) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1110 |
Symbolic: | | (1111) (SRC) → ROM/RAM address bus (4289); (DDDD) → ACC |
Description: | | Read program memory.This instruction can be used only with the 4289 standard memory chip. The contents of the previously selected nibble of R/W program memory are transferred to the 4040 and loaded to the accumulator. The F/L 4289 control line is toggled with each RPM. The 4289 IN line and PM line are also active during this instruction. |
Mnemonic: | | EIN (Enable interrupt detection) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1100 |
Symbolic: | | 1 → IE |
Description: | | Enable interrupt. Internal interrupt detection logic is enabled. |
Mnemonic: | | DIN (Disable interrupt detection) |
OPR OPA: | | 0000 1101 |
Symbolic: | | 0 → IE |
Description: | | Disable interrupt. Internal interrupt detection logic is disabled. |
D. |
Two Word Machine Instructions |
Mnemonic: | | JUN (Jump unconditional) |
1st word OPR OPA: | | 0100 A3A3A3A3 |
2nd word OPR OPA: | | A2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1 |
Symbolic: | | A1A1A1A1 → PL, A2A2A2A2 → PM, A3A3A3A3 → PH |
Description: | | Program control is unconditionally transferred to the instruction locator at the address A3A3A3A3 A2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1. |
Mnemonic: | | JMS (Jump to Subroutine) |
1st word OPR OPA: | | 0101 A3A3A3A3 |
2nd word OPR OPA: | | A2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1 |
Symbolic: | | (PHPMPL) → Stack; A1A1A1A1 → PL, A2A2A2A2 → PM, A3A3A3A3 → PH |
Description: | | The address of the next instruction in sequence following JMS (return address) is saved in the push down stack. Program control is transferred to the instruction located at the 12 bit address (A3A3A3A3 A2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1). Execution of a return instruction (BBL) will cause the saved address to be pulled out of the stack, therefore, program control is transferred to the next sequential instruction after the last JMS. The push down stack has 4 registers in 4004, 8 registers in 4040. One of them is used as the program counter, therefore nesting of JMS can occur up to 3 levels in 4004 and 7 levels in 4040. |
Example (4004): | |
No JMS received → |
Stack |
→ |
JPS #1 received → |
Stack | | Program counter | Return address #1 |
→ |
JMS #2 received → |
Stack | Program counter | Return address #2 | Return address #1 |
→ |
JPS #3 received → |
Stack Program counter | Return address #3 | Return address #2 | Return address #1 |
→ |
JMS #4 received → |
Stack Return address #4 | Return address #3 | Return address #2 | Program counter |
→ |
BBL received → |
Stack Program counter | Return address #3 | Return address #2 | |
Mnemonic: | | JCN (Jump conditional) |
1st word OPR OPA: | | 0001 C1C2C3C4 |
2nd word OPR OPA: | | A2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1 |
Symbolic: | | If C1C2C3C4 is true, A2A2A2A2 → PM, A1A1A1A1 → PL, PH unchanged; If C1C2C3C4 is false, (PH) → PH, (PM) → PM, (PL + 2) → PL |
Description: | | If the designated condition code is true, program control is transferred to the instruction located at the 8 bit address 2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1 on the same page (ROM) where JCN is located.
If the condition is not true the next instruction in sequence after JCN is executed.
The condition bits are assigned as follows:
C1 = 0 Do not invert jump condition
C1 = 0 Invert jump condition
C2 = 0 Jump if the accumulator content is zero
C3 = 0 Jump if the carry/link content is 1
C4 = 0 Jump if test signal (pin 10 on 4004, pin 13 on 4040) is zero
CX Condition Table for JCN Instruction
C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | | |
| | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | NO OPERATION |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | Jump if test = 0 (VSS) |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | Jump if CY = 1 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | Jump if test = 0 or CY = 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Jump if AC = 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | | Jump if test = 0 or AC = 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | | Jump if CY = 1 or AC = 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | Jump if test = 0 or CY = 1 or AC = 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Jump unconditionally |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | Jump if test = 1 (VDD) |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | Jump if CY = 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | Jump if test = 1 and CY = 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Jump if AC <> 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | | Jump if test = 1 and AC <> 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | | Jump if CY = 0 and AC <> 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | Jump if test = 1 and CY = 0 and AC <> 0 |
NOTE: | A logic "1" is the most negative test input. A logic "0" is the most positive test input. |
Example: | |
OPR | | OPA | | |
0011 | | 0110 | | Jump if accumulator is zero or carry = 1 |
Several conditions can be tested simultaneously.
The logic equation describing the condition for a jump is given below:
| |
JUMP = C1 . ((ACC = 0) . C2 + (CY = 1) . C3 + TEST . C4) + C1 . | ((ACC = 0) . C2 + (CY = 1) . C3 + TEST. C4) |
Exceptions: | | If JCN is located on words 254 and 255 of a ROM page, when JCN is executed and the condition is true, program control is transferred to the 8-bit address on the page following where JCN is located. |
Mnemonic: | | ISZ (Increment index register skip if zero) |
1st word OPR OPA: | | 0111 RRRR |
2nd word OPR OPA: | | A2A2A2A2 A1A1A1A1 |
Symbolic: | | (RRRR) + 1 → RRRR, if result = 0 (PH) → PH, (PM) → PM, (PL + 2 →) PL; if result <> 0 A2A2A2A2 → PM, A1A1A1A1 → PL |
Description: | | The content of the designated index register is incremented by 1. The accumulator and carry/link are unaffected. If the result is zero, the next instruction after ISZ is executed. If the resultis different from 0, program control is transferred to the instruction located at the 8 bit address A2A2A2A2, A1A1A1A1 on the same page (ROM) where the ISZ instruction is located. |
Exceptions: | | If ISZ is located on words 254 and 255 of a ROM page, when ISZ is executed and the result is not zero, program control is transferred to the 8-bit address on the next page in sequence and not on the same page where ISZ is located. |
Mnemonic: | | FIM (Fetched immediate from ROM) |
1st word OPR OPA: | | 0010 RRR0 |
2nd word OPR OPA: | | D2D2D2D2 D1D1D1D1 |
Symbolic: | | D2D2D2D2 → RRR0; D1D1D1D1 → RRR1 |
Description: | | The 2nd word represents 8 bits of data which are loaded into the designated index register pair. |
E. |
Input/Output Instructions |
| The following I/O instructions are described as they relate to ROM and RAM devices. These same instructions (mnemonics) can be redefined for devices other than ROM and RAM. |
Mnemonic: | | RDM (Read RAM character) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1001 |
Symbolic: | | (M) → ACC |
Description: | | The content of the previously selected RAM main memory character is transferred to the accumulator. The carry/link is unaffected. The 4 bit data in memory is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | RD0 (Read RAM status character 0) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1100 |
Symbolic: | | (MS0) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bits of status character 0 from the previously selected RAM register are transferred to the accumulator. The carry/link and the status character are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | RD1 (Read RAM status character 1) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1101 |
Symbolic: | | (MS1) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bits of status character 1 from the previously selected RAM register are transferred to the accumulator. The carry/link and the status character are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | RD2 (Read RAM status character 2) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1110 |
Symbolic: | | (MS2) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bits of status character 2 from the previously selected RAM register are transferred to the accumulator. The carry/link and the status character are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | RD3 (Read RAM status character 3) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1111 |
Symbolic: | | (MS3) → ACC |
Description: | | The 4 bits of status character 3 from the previously selected RAM register are transferred to the accumulator. The carry/link and the status character are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | RDR (Read ROM port) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1010 |
Symbolic: | | (ROM input lines) → ACC |
Description: | | The data present at the input lines of the previously selected ROM chip is transferred to the accumulator. The carry/link is unaffected. If the I/O option has both inputs and outputs within the same 4 I/O lines, the user can choose to have either "0" or "1" transferred to the accumulator for those I/O pins coded as outputs, when an RDR instruction is executed. |
Example: | | Given a port with I/O coded with 2 inputs and 2 outputs, when RDR is executed the transfer is as shown below:
I3O2 | O1I0 | | | | (ACC) | |
1 X | X 0 | → | 1 | (1 or 0) | (1 or 0) | 0 |
Input | Data | | | User can choose | |
Mnemonic: | | WRM (Write accumulator into RAM character) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0000 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → M |
Description: | | The accumulator content is written into the previously selected RAM main memory character location. The accumulator and carry/link are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | WR0 (Write accumulator into RAM status character 0) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0100 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → MS0 |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is written into the RAM status character 0 of the previously selected RAM register. The accumulator and the carry/link are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | WR1 (Write accumulator into RAM status character 1) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0101 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → MS1 |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is written into the RAM status character 1 of the previously selected RAM register. The accumulator and the carry/link are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | WR2 (Write accumulator into RAM status character 2) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0110 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → MS2 |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is written into the RAM status character 2 of the previously selected RAM register. The accumulator and the carry/link are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | WR3 (Write accumulator into RAM status character 3) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0111 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → MS3 |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is written into the RAM status character 3 of the previously selected RAM register. The accumulator and the carry/link are unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | WRR (Write ROM port) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0010 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → ROM output lines |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is transferred to the ROM output port of the previously selected ROM chip. The data is available on the output pins until a new WRR is executed on the same chip. The ACC content and carry/link are unaffected. (The LSB bit of the accumulator appears on I/O0.) No operation is performed on I/O lines coded as inputs. |
Mnemonic: | | WMP (Write memory port) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 0001 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → RAM output register |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is transferred to the RAM output port of the previously selected RAM chip. The data is available on the output pins until a new WMP is executed on the same RAM chip. The content of the ACC and carry/link are unaffected. (The LSB bit of the accumulator appears on O0, pin 16 of the 4002.) |
Mnemonic: | | ADM (Add from memory with carry) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1011 |
Symbolic: | | (M) + (ACC) + (CY) → ACC, CY |
Description: | | The content of the previously selected RAM main memory character is added to the accumulator with carry. The RAM character is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | SBM (Subtract from memory with borrow) |
OPR OPA: | | 1110 1000 |
Symbolic: | | (M) + (ACC) + (CY) → ACC, CY |
Description: | | The content of the previously selected RAM main memory character is subtracted from the accumulator with borrow. The RAM character is unaffected. |
F. |
Accumulator Group Instructions |
Mnemonic: | | CLB (Clear both) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0000 |
Symbolic: | | 0 → ACC, 0 → CY |
Description: | | Set accumulator and carry/link to 0. |
Mnemonic: | | CLC (Clear carry) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0001 |
Symbolic: | | 0 → CY |
Description: | | Set carry/link to 0. |
Mnemonic: | | CMC (Complement carry) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0011 |
Symbolic: | | (CY) → CY |
Description: | | The carry/link content is complemented. |
Mnemonic: | | STC (Set carry) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 1010 |
Symbolic: | | 1 → CY |
Description: | | Set carry/link to a 1. |
Mnemonic: | | CMA (Complement accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0100 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → CY |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is complemented. The carry/link is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | IAC (Increment accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0010 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) + 1 → ACC |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is incremented by 1. No overflow sets the carry/link to 0, overflow sets the carry/link to a 1. |
Mnemonic: | | DAC (Decrement accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 1000 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) - 1 → ACC |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator is incremented by 1. A borrow sets the carry/link to 0, no borrow sets the carry/link to a 1. |
Example: | |
| | | a3a2a1a0 | ← (ACC) |
| + | | 1 1 1 1 | |
| | | |
carry → | c4 | | s3s2s1s0 | ← ACC |
Mnemonic: | | RAL (Rotate left) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0101 |
Symbolic: | | CY → a0, ai → ai+1, a3 → CY |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator and carry/link are rotated left. |
Mnemonic: | | RAR (Rotate right) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0110 |
Symbolic: | | a0 → CY, ai → ai-1, CY → a3 |
Description: | | The content of the accumulator and carry/link are rotated right. |
Mnemonic: | | TCC (Transmit carry and clear) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 0111 |
Symbolic: | | 0 → ACC, (CY) → a0, 0 → CY |
Description: | | The accumulator is cleared. The least significant position of the accumulator is set to the value of the carry/link. The carry/link is set to 0. |
Mnemonic: | | DAA (Decimal adjust accumulator) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 1011 |
Symbolic: | | ACC + 0000 → ACC or ACC + 0110 → ACC |
Description: | | The accumulator is incremented by 6 if either the carry/link is 1 or if the accumulator content is greater than 9. The carry/link is set to 1 if the result generates a carry, otherwise is unaffected. |
Mnemonic: | | TCS (Transmit carry subtract) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 1001 |
Symbolic: | | 1001 → ACC if (CY) = 0, 1010 → ACC if (CY) = 1; 0 → CY |
Description: | | The accumulator is set to 9 if the carry/link is 0. The accumulator is set to 10 if the carry/link is a 1. The carry/link is set to 0. |
Mnemonic: | | KBP (Keyboard process) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 1100 |
Symbolic: | | (ACC) → KBP, ROM → ACC |
Description: | | A code conversion is performed on the accumulator content, from 1 out of n to binary code. If the accumulator content has more than one bit on, the accumulator will be set to 15 (to indicate error). The carry/link is unaffected. The conversion table is shown below.
(ACC) before KBP | | (ACC) after KBP |
0 0 0 0 | → | 0 0 0 0 |
0 0 0 1 | → | 0 0 0 1 |
0 0 1 0 | → | 0 0 1 0 |
0 1 0 0 | → | 0 0 1 1 |
1 0 0 0 | → | 0 1 0 0 |
0 0 1 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
0 1 0 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
0 1 1 0 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
0 1 1 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 0 0 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 0 1 0 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 0 1 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 1 0 0 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 1 0 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 1 1 0 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
1 1 1 1 | → | 1 1 1 1 |
Mnemonic: | | DCL (Designate command line) |
OPR OPA: | | 1111 1101 |
Symbolic: | | a0 → CM0, a1 → CM1, a2 → CM2 |
Description: | | The content of the three least significant accumulator bits is transferred to the command control register within the CPU. This instruction provides RAM bank selection when multiple RAM banks are used. (If no DCL instruction is sent out, RAM bank number zero is automatically selected after application of at least one RESET). DCL remains latched until it is changed. The selection is made according to the following truth table.
(ACC) | CM-RAMi Enabled | Bank No. |
X 0 0 0 | CM-RAM0 | Bank 0 |
X 0 0 1 | CM-RAM1 | Bank 1 |
X 0 1 0 | CM-RAM2 | Bank 2 |
X 1 0 0 | CM-RAM3 | Bank 3 |
X 0 1 1 | CM-RAM1, CM-RAM2 | Bank 4 |
X 1 0 1 | CM-RAM1, CM-RAM3 | Bank 5 |
X 1 1 0 | CM-RAM2, CM-RAM3 | Bank 6 |
X 1 1 1 | CM-RAM1, CM-RAM2, CM-RAM3 | Bank 7 |